Metamorpho had a seven years absence at trading cards until his chance to reappear again came by 2003 thanks to the popular TV animated show "Justice League". This TV show became hugely popular and Metamorpho was featured in two episodes from season one, allowing him the chance to appear on the trading card set based on this franchise.
Inkworks, a now defunct company, released the 81-card set (plus chase cards) which features in subsequent order the series highlights from every member of the Justice League: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Flash and Hawkgirl.
It is on the Green Lantern's section where we find card #51 which depicts Metamorpho in a confrontation with John Stewart. These events belong to the two-episode story-arc "Metamorphosis" that introduces a revamped version of Rex Mason and ties his past to Stewart as both served in the Marine Corps (more about this version in a future post).
Metamorpho is not only mentioned on the basic set but he has also a spot on the chase cards, in the "Friends & Foes" subset with card FF9. Although I do not really get the point in changing the origin of the characters thus disrespecting their creators, the only merit I give to the TV show and therefore to these cards, is that at least they kept his original appearance and powers set.
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