May 10, 2016


In 1995 the next big thing regarding trading cards was the "DC vs. Marvel" collection, a trading card set featuring both painted and regular comics art. Curiously only a few cards on the set exploited the "versus" aspect of the set since a great deal of cards were occupied by solo characters from both companies.

There was plenty room to create more match-up  cards  so many more characters from every company could have been featured but instead only a few cards have present the "versus" ingredient. The sad thing is all the matches portrayed are based in the classic approach to this kind of events and it is a character from one company fighting his/her counterpart from the other company, same old, same old.

Metamorpho was not portrayed in any of the 100 cards that composed the basic set but appeared in one of the chase cards, a subset called "Impact Cards: JLA vs. Avengers". This card has been codified as I2 and was part of a 9-card puzzle.

I do not really understand why Metamorpho was left aside on the basic set. He always had a spot but this time DC preferred to grant a spot to D and C-list characters, leaving us only imagining a "Metamorpho vs. Absorbing man" card. 

My only consolation is he was granted a place on the chase cards. By the way this is perhaps one of the scarcest trading cards depicting Metamorpho out there.

As 1996 arrived the comic collector/speculator fever was on a dwindling point so the next DC trading card novelty had to have an intrinsic value other than "it is a collector's item" and this time DC turned to the embossing technology which gave the printing a three-dimensional flavor as some parts of the card can actually be "felt".

Fleer/Skybox was again in charge to create the next generation of DC trading cards and the result was the 80-card set "DC Outburst: Firepower". Besides the embossed printing, these cards were given a mixed treatment between hand made art and computer generated art which makes this set something really unique and memorable.

Metamorpho is on card #08 and still maintain his "Ghost Rider head". Outright this is one of my favorite cards, the coloring which is done visible by computer and the embossed aspect make this card amazing.

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