May 19, 2016


Metamorpho is a unique character.

Daring statement that one from above, but I have several arguments to prove it true. 

Probably you have already read the never ending discussion about which one is better, Marvel or DC, believe me, nothing good will come up from such an argument. But still it is funny to see those illustrated charts where you see the comparisons between DC characters and their equivalents at Marvel.

Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye, Ant-Man vs. Atom, Batman vs. Moon Knight and the list goes on but after you have read all those lists (some are the same old and other include a few new comparisons) you will realize the perhaps unnoticed detail that none of those lists include Metamorpho.

Yes, look for them all, none of them include Metamorpho and this is perhaps because there is not an equivalent for Metamorpho neither in the Marvel universe nor any other comic universe out there. However some have tried to defy this assertion, lessen it by using these other assertions:

1) Metamorpho is the equivalent of Marvel's Hydro-Man. 

Turning into water is only one of Rex Mason's powers, in fact Metamorpho can turn into any element of nature. Hydro-Man was introduced in 1981, which is very late to at least consider Metamorpho had something to do with it.

Verdict: Metamorpho is still unique.

2) Metamorpho is the equivalent of Marvel's Absorbing Man

Although many tag this as something evident and obvious, you will not find this on the equivalence lists but only on discussion forums where people create fights of these characters for fun. Those who claims that Absorbing Man is the definitive equivalent to Metamorpho really have not made their homework.

Although Absorbing Man effectively can alter his body and transform it into any substance he touches, he has plenty of limitations the Element Man does not have. 

Let's start for the fact he needs to touch the substance in question so he needs to always be close to a sample of every in which he wants to turn into. Once he has deactivated his current absorption, he needs to touch the material again if desires the same transformation.

Absorbing Man have showed a poor handling of his powers as he has been tricked in several occasions to absorb elements or combinations of elements which weaken or even hurt him. Although with the passing of time this character has learned to "ignore" some materials, still there is a limit for such an ability, being a major concern for him when touches something.

Perhaps many of you have seen the appearances of this character on the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., he may be relatively powerful in relation to human beings, even though he is far from becoming a real menace for meta-humans, specially for someone with Metamorpho's powers. This version has been depowered perhaps to fit into the TV format restrains but still allows to people who sees the character for the first time making an idea of his powers but still the spectrum of his abilities in a live action scene (considered more vivid) has little or nothing to do with Metamorpho.

Unlike the Absorbing Man, Metamorpho may produce any substance from his own body at will, he knows the chemical principles behind every transformation he does and he can control the extent of his powers with mathematical precision when used. Absorbing Man was introduced on March 1965, Metamorpho predates him for four months so do not ever think Bob Haney inspired on him to create the Element Man.

Verdict: Metamorpho is still unique.

3) Ultra the Multi-Alien is a copy of Metamorpho

The only aspect in which this character is similar to Metamorpho is in the body division in four quadrants with different colors. Each quadrant of Ultra's body is formed by a different alien race which makes him look weirder than Metamorpho who still resembles the human anatomy.

Many have found in Ultra a natural pleonasm of Metamorpho inside the DC Universe (similar to Elongated Man/Plastic Man although Elongated Man's powers are more limited), however Ultra's abilities are only four (super strength, magnetism, flight and energy blasts) and they are derived from each alien race his body is composed of. Moreover Metarmopho predates Ultra by almost one year.

Verdict: Metamorpho is still unique.

4) Metamorpho was inspired by Marvel's Super Skrull

Many have argued that in the early 60's having characters with limbs of different colors was in style and this trend was started by the Super Skrull. This character was conceived as a nemesis for the Fantastic Four, a genetically engineered warrior from the Skrull alien race who possesses the combined abilities of all the members the first family of superheroes.

Super Skrull predated Metamorpho for one and half year but we must remember that his original look was never with four colored limbs. His first appearance shows him using a purple and black uniform which was totally symmetric and when manifested his powers it was clearly visible what the power emulated was.

Super Skrull's depictions of each one of his limbs resembling one of the powers of the Fantastic Four are relatively new and generally for aesthetic purposes or to show the nature of his powers to unfamiliar readers. Moreover his powers are circumscribed only to those of the Fantastic Four so there is no relation with Metamorpho other than Metamorpho can perform any of the Fantastic Four powers.

Verdict: Metamorpho is still unique.

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